[root@localhost source]# yum install group ‘System Management’
Failed to set locale, defaulting to C
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirrors.neusoft.edu.cn
* extras: mirrors.ustc.edu.cn
* updates: mirrors.aliyun.com
No package group available.
No package System Management available.
Error: Nothing to do
没用,只有developer tools组能装上
红帽企业linux7中yum的改动,软件包组“Office Suite and Productivity”仅仅作为一个选项包,默认是没有的,所以我们需要通过选项来安装可选包
如果要安装Graphical Administration Tools, System Administration Tools这些组包,需要运行下面的命令:
# yum groupinstall “Office Suite and Productivity” –setopt=group_package_types=mandatory,default,optional